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Research >> Survival >> Best Cloth Mask for Coronavirus >> Best Cloth Mask for Virus Protection
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Best Cloth Mask for Virus Protection

Cloth masks are the recommended face coverings alternative. Alongside, frequent handwashing with soap, social distancing, and frequent disinfecting. Wearing a cloth mask is the new norm in our world now.

In the emergence of viruses in our midst, it was believed to be transmitted through droplets through coughing, sneezing, and spitting. Researchers nowadays are questioning if viruses could also be transmitted through bioaerosols.

These are the fine particles emitted when someone breathes that can be suspended in the air rather than larger droplets that are produced only through coughs and sneezes.

There’s no exact data yet on how many tiny particles in the air is viable enough to infect another person.  Until today, there's still no respiratory virus that the exact proportion is known of infections that come from breathing the virus in against coming into contact with droplets in the air or on surfaces.

How can a cloth mask against viruses?

A cloth mask is an additional measure to other masks that are quite demanded and prioritized to health workers like the N95 and surgical masks. It can protect you as well as others around you. Some people show no symptoms of COVID-19 and they’re asymptomatic.

It’s also a great way to cover your mouth and nose to prevent your respiratory droplets from contaminating others or landing on surfaces. Better to wear a mask than nothing at all since a cloth mask can reduce the chance that others are coming into contact with your respiratory droplets.

It will also make you fearless and less anxious when other masks are not available. It would limit and stop you from touching your nose and mouth that is also good. But remember not to touch or rub your eyes.

It is important to be protected in these times we are facing now. A cloth mask is more widely available and cheaper. There is an abundance of recommended fabrics that are available.

A cloth mask will never run out in the market and it’s also cost-friendly and more economical. It’s also reusable and washable and there are filters available to be inserted in it.

Guideline in using a cloth mask for virus protection:

Handwashing with soap before putting the mask on and after taking it off.

Practice good hand hygiene too while wearing a mask.

Make sure it has a good and secure fit around its edges.

Your cloth mask must not be shared with others at all times.

All masks could be contaminated on the outside so make it a point not to touch it.

You have to change your cloth mask as soon as it’s soiled, damaged, or damped.

After taking your mask off, put it directly into your washing machine or in a plastic bag before you clean it and put it into the washing machine.

All cloth masks can be laundered with other items using a hot cycle and let it be dried thoroughly.

Here's one of the best cloth masks for virus protection.

Cloth Face Cover Reusable, Reversible, Washable with 2 Adjustable Full-Length Braids

Cloth Face Cover Reusable, Reversible, Washable with 2 Adjustable Full Length Braids, 5 Sizes, Made in USA, Write Size (XL, L,M,S, XS) in The Address Line

This is a cloth mask that offers washability, reusability, and reversibility. It also comes with two braids around the skull that has an adjustable length. All the production of these masks is in the US.

It comes in three sizes of small, medium, and large and it’s very comfortable to wear. This cotton mask can be used in both ways since it’s reversible. An enclosed cord lock is also added so that the length of the braids around the skull could be adjusted and it would not give pressure behind the ears from the elastic.

This cloth mask is made from two different pieces of fabric that consist of solid color on one side and a printed one on the other side. You should hand wash before you first use it and every after using it. It’s best to purchase at least two cloth masks so you can use them in rotation.


  • It has small, medium, and large cloth masks
  • Comfortable
  • Good coverage on the face
  • Breathable
  • It has a continuous production of masks
  • Every mask comes in nice patterns and colors
  • Made from good material
  • It’s reusable and washable
  • This mask is reversible and it’s made using two different fabrics


  • No negative reviews so far
Where to buy:

After Thoughts

There is still no cure or antidote to COVID-19 and there are still a lot of unknown things about it. Since research is still ongoing, it’s best and wise to secure oneself with a cloth mask.

The safe thing to do right now is to practice social distancing and staying home to help control the spread, and all these necessary precautions like proper hygiene, handwashing, and disinfecting to kill the virus.

Lastly, wear a cloth mask since the primary mode of transmission is person-to-person via aerosols or small droplets created by breathing, sneezing, or coughing.

The reach of exhaled air can be effectively reduced using a cloth mask.

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