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What is a pm2.5 mask?


There are a lot of harmful elements in our environment and one of them is the particulate matter or PM2.5 for short. It refers to the particles in our air that cause pollution. 

These particles can come from various sources, both indoors and outdoors.

PM2. 5 particles are a complex combination of pollutants such as dust, pollen, smoke, and mist. 

These tiny particles can get easily lodged in the body and have been linked to cancer and heart attacks. The 2.5 in PM points to the size of the pollutant in micrometers. They can have a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or even much smaller.

It follows that the smaller they are, the more damage they cause to your health. 

PM2.5 is comparatively much smaller in size as compared to other particles and pollutants in the air.

Why is PM2.5 so harmful?

PM2.5 is dangerous and harmful because they’re so small, fine, and light that it can be suspended in the air longer than bigger and heavier particles.

These fine particles are the culprit to trigger or worsen any chronic diseases such as asthma, heart attack, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems.

What are the negative effects of PM2.5?

The negative effects will depend on the overall well-being of an individual. The complications each person might be facing will vary.

Even a healthy individual could still be endangered when exposed to PM2.5.

If your exposure to PM2.5 is too high, you can experience some of these ill-effects.

You’ll have shortness of breath

Eye, nose, and throat will be irritated

There will be excessive coughing and wheezing

Your lung will malfunction and lung disease

It will decrease your heart function, sometimes might result in a heart attack

Bouts with asthmatic attacks

And, worst, the loss of life

PM2.5 also damages the environment by increasing acidity in the soil and water bodies, which will deteriorate their ability to produce food and support life.

What is a PM2.5 mask?

A PM2.5 mask is a mask that can filter PM2.5 and even particles as small as bacteria and viruses. It would be your best defense against PM2.5.

The N95 and N99 masks are supposed to block 95% and 99% of PM2 and they have effective filters for capturing micro-particles.

Choose the perfect PM2.5 mask for you with a great fit, great materials, and that can block all those PM2.5 in the air!

You can find PM2.5 masks on Amazon

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